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" 34 Lessons Learned before 34" Written by: Shalara Wells

34 Things I Learned Before Turning 34

• Grief never ends…and that’s ok

•Everything doesn’t have to be said to be felt

• Show up for myself even if it’s just me

• Expectations outside of God can lead to disappointment

• To appreciate the people who are present in my suffering

• The value of time

• The richness of being able to listen more than I speak

• Always be teachable

• Cultivating someone else takes nothing away from’s when you lift others that God lifts you

• Procrastination hinders determination

•Forgiveness takes time but it’s worth it

• My fruit will vindicate me

• Staying in a season that you’ve outgrown will only frustrate and delay your predestined assignments

• My experiences made my worth go up

•Saying no

• Get that only live once

• Peace happens inside of you before it happens around you

• Laugh more

• Your words have power…make sure you use them to speak life

• Discipline is hard

• It’s ok to go to therapy

• Everybody won’t like you..and you have to be ok with that…

• Love is complex but not complicated

• Be open minded

• Knowledge and wisdom are some of life’s most important assets..We change our circumstances by arming ourselves with the truth

• I’m not always right

• There are some places where i’ll have to go alone

• Healing is constant..not instant

• Freedom comes when you can release the need to control

• Sometimes you have to go first…you have to pave the way

• Falling off track and making mistakes are simply a part of life…you just have to keep getting back up…don’t stay there

• Following the things that light you up is always worthwhile

• You are only as strong as how you handle your weak moments

• Learning to love myself right where I’m at while chasing after who I’m meant to be

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